Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Robotics Meeting . . . Where Nothing Happened

When I arrived at robotics club, there was practically nobody there. Tien (the leader of the group) and Matt (who wrote the top side laptop code) were looking at the finally completed frame of the robot. It looked pretty impressive. In preparation for the next steps, we went into the storage closet to look through all of the robotics materials from previous years. The closet can best be described as organized chaos. After scoping out the many items to choose from, we decided that all we needed was PVC pipe - and a lot of it. We filled a large box with a ludicrous amount of PVC pipe and hauled it into the Tech Lab.

After that, we hauled all of the robotics stuff out to Tien's minivan. We are bringing our robot and all of our supplies to Tien's house so we can hopefully finish building it over the break. Out by the minivan, we reviewed the plan for how we were going to accomplish this. Before we knew it, we had finished packing everything somewhat neatly into his car. The weather was exceptionally nice - sunny and warm with a slight breeze - so it felt good to be outside unlike previous weeks when we were freezing. It finally seems that all of the work we are doing on the robot will come to fruition soon.

Bonus Tech Stuff: LIGHTTPD - A Lightweight Web Server

LIGHTTPD is a lightweight web server. It supports common features - SSL/TLS, HTTP compression, etc. Most importantly, it is lightweight - taking up about 1 MB under light load. This makes it efficient for embedded systems. It is also often used on single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi.

For more serious applications, it has support for load balancing. It can handle several hundred requests per second on personal hardware, and can go much faster on a typical server. LIGHTTPD has also been used for serving larger files - it is used by some package repository mirrors. This could also be used for high capacity serving from a cluster of minimalist nodes in order to reduce cost. I may consider using this for an upcoming project.

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