This is especially frustrating when the high error rates interfere with using my server to play online games - to the point where TCP (the connection to another computer on the internet) cannot deal with the congestion. I wonder whether they purposefully throw error rates so that the bandwidth is distributed across households, thereby decreasing the internet provider's expense. Yesterday the error rate was so high that my friend's computer couldn't maintain a basic TCP connection to my server. Giving up on any hope of playing Minecraft, we switched to Robocraft which has a much higher error tolerance. That still was not enough - the latency kept growing every battle, such that it failed before the end of each round. I decided that I will try to create a mechanism to get around this error rate boosting system. I also think that it would be interesting to have HiTech students collect error rate data at each of their homes for their respective internet providers. Having a prestigious technology high school present a research paper on this would call attention to the problem. If this research paper is picked up by the local news, as many of the achievements coming out of HiTech are, it might force the internet companies to make changes that will address it.
Bonus Tech Stuff: Using the dd Command
dd will also read from stdin when there is no input file specified, and write to stdout when no output file is specified. This means that you can pipe through other commands, as well as to transfer a partition from one system to another. In this example, I will assume that we are copying our entire main drive from one computer to another identical computer because we do not feel like using the installer. One way we could do this is using an external drive. I will assume that we do not want to use a filesystem in order to provide a speed boost. We could use dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -f | dd of=/dev/sdb. On the other side, we would use dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip -d | dd of=/dev/sda. Or, we could use cryptcat in order to transfer it over network.
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