Friday, March 25, 2016

My Favorite Linux-Compatible Game: Robocraft

Earlier today, I was playing Robocraft. Fortunately it was not having connection errors, so I was able to finish many rounds. Using my awesome robot and a small glitch in the Unity physics engine, I was able to lift an enemy into the air. A second later the enemy exploded midair - blocks flying in every direction. Because of situations like this, I was able to gain points and help my team to victory against enemies which were much higher leveled.

During my first battle with my "lawnmower" robot (see below), I lost because I kept getting blasted out of the sky before I could deal any damage. However, I did earn a large sum of game money from these battles and, after selling all of my other robots to combine my funds, was able to upgrade significantly. This massive upgrade improved my robot enough to make a big difference in my gaming ability. So, in the next game my robot destroyed several enemy robots which helped my team to victory. The next few games provided me with opportunities to further improve my skills. It feels great to finally become proficient at my favorite video game!

Robocraft is a unity-based Steam game where you build and fight robots. It is currently in development, and is rapidly improving. This game requires design skill in order to create an efficient destroying machine. As you deal damage and scan with radar, your overclock gradually increases. Once the bar is full, you overclock level up. Each overclock level increases attack rate, damage, speed, and material strength.

In Robocraft, there are 8 types of weapons: Laser, Plasma Launcher, Rail Cannon, Nanotech Disruptor, Tesla Blade, Proto Seeker, Aeroflak Cannon, and Lock-on Missile Launcher. The most basic is the laser - which shoots low damage zero gravity projectiles with a relatively high firing rate. Also available relatively early on is the Plasma Launcher - which shoots higher damage projectiles relatively fast. This weapon is not overpowered because of a game mechanic called energy. All weapons consume energy and energy regenerates at a constant rate. Later in the game, aircraft are haunted by the Rail Cannon - a long-range high-accuracy weapon with a low firing rate. A single shot from one of these can blast a plane out of the air. Also important a little bit later is the Nanotech Disruptor - which allows you to heal members of your team. My current favorite - the tesla blade - is the only melee weapon in the game. Proto Seekers and Aeroflak Cannons can auto target and follow enemies, but only if they are detected on radar.

My "Lawnmower"
For my robot, I use a design which classifies as a "lawnmower." It is a plane with a row of five triple tesla blades on the front. If I fly into an enemy, it does fifteen impacts of 47400 damage in quick succession - enough to obliterate an enemy. However, this type of design has significant drawbacks. It is incredibly brittle and can be destroyed in a few shots. When I miss, my target typically destroys me in a few seconds. Also, my robot can be destroyed before it even reaches the target. Being especially vulnerable to powerful weapons, a few successful shots will render it useless or destroy it. I mitigate these risks by using high-level radar jammers and radar equipment to scan for potential targets.

Robocraft is an exciting and challenging game.  If you have never played it, you may want  to consider checking it out over break.

1 comment:

  1. I watched a few videos about Robocraft. I think it was on sale once as well but I never got around to buying it. From what I watched and read about, it looks like a pretty fun game.
